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PPL Camden Conference Community Events

2024 Camden Conference Logo
India: Rising Ambitions, Challenges at Home.

PPL partners each year with the Camden Conference to bring a series of original programs to our community in addition to the conference itself, held in mid-coast Maine. In 2024, the conference celebrates its 37th season. The theme will be India: Rising Ambitions, Challenges at Home. Portland Public Library is offering three related Community Events this fall.   The conference itself, is scheduled for mid-coast Maine on the weekend of February 16-18, 2024.

Seventy-five years after independence, India is on track to have both the world’s largest population and the second largest economy. It is pursuing a unique path as a democracy and as an ambitious player in global affairs. Possession of nuclear weapons gives it prestige globally and confidence in its security amid unstable neighbors. Domestically, a diverse, complicated, multicultural mosaic of issues—from poverty, caste, religion, to repression of women and minorities—pose unrelenting challenges for democratic institutions. How will a younger generation of Indian leaders choose its priorities? What’s at stake for China, Russia and the United States as India expands its role in the global economy and becomes a more assertive leader in the Indo-Pacific region?

Join Camden Conference from February 16-18, 2024 to learn more about this exceptional country and its potential as a global player.

Recommended Readings

To view the full list of books suggestions for this year’s theme, visit the Camden Conference Recommended Readings.