NOTE: All PPL locations will be CLOSED for in-service day on Thurs, 3/6 as part of our system wide upgrade.

Peaks Branch Renovation Plans Moving Ahead

Work continues behind the scenes on the Peaks Island Community Center and Branch Library renovation project. Architect Dick Reed and his engineers and designers have met with our renovation design committee, which includes Peaks residents, Library staff members, and colleagues from the City’s Department of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities.

We have largely completed the design of the basic layout of spaces, storage, traffic flow, and rest rooms. We continue to finalize the precise set-up of the library service desk and shelving, furnishings and finishes for floors and walls, as well as details in the community room.

The new design in the library features lower-profile bookshelves to provide a lighter, more open and flexible space, while actually accommodating more books and library materials. The renovation will also provide new display space for art.

Work on heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning has progressed, along with a design for a new electrical system and lighting. Energy audit work by engineer Andrew Holbrook (funded by the Peaks Energy Action Team) has been valuable in identifying energy improvements.

The project is on track to go to bid in late fall for construction to begin early in the new year. Key to our progress is the generosity of our New Vision Campaign donors, whose pledge payments ensure that we have sufficient funds in-hand to proceed on this timeline. Thank you!

We look forward to keeping you up-to-date on the progress!

posted: , by Editor
tags: About the Library | Director's Updates | Adults | Teens | Kids & Families | Seniors | News
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