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Burbank Branch Renovation Project

The Burbank facility, created in 1995, is the 6th busiest library location in Maine, operating well beyond the capacity imagined twenty years ago. In order to reflect changes in how our loyal Burbank patrons use the library, to address building infrastructure issues, and to solve long-standing ergonomic challenges for library staff, PPL is undertaking a renovation to reconfigure and update the branch. We are thrilled to have the chance to provide a healthier environment for our staff and an improved experience for those who use and love the Burbank branch.

The renovation will be funded through an allocation of $255,000 from the City’s Capital Improvement Program. Scott Simons, whose firm was responsible for the 2010 Phase I renovation of the Main Library, is the project architect. You can see the current renovation drawings by clicking here for a PDF.

Once the bidding process for the project is completed this fall, the branch will be closed for six to seven months while construction takes place. We expect this closure to begin in November 2014 but look forward to updating you on the specifics and to serving you at our Main Library, Riverton, and Peaks Island locations during the Burbank closure.

And of course, we look forward to celebrating with you when we open a beautifully renovated Burbank branch!

Questions or feedback? Contact us at 871-1700, ext. 759 or

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