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We Are Grateful

Sarah Campbell, Executive Director
Portland Public Library

As your Library, we are grateful for our patrons and our partners with whom we can create conversation, illumination, and togetherness year-round!

How about one of these for your new year’s resolution? Use the Library in a way you’ve never tried!

Want to speak a new language, perhaps with a new neighbor? Try Mango Languages online!

Have you tried e-books and e-audiobooks for adults or Tumble Books for kids?

Check outscience backpack or a telescope for a self-guided adventure!

Learn a new tech tool with our free public computing Technology Tutoring.

Build the community’s environmental resilience by participating in our Sustainability Series (now in its 3rd year)!

Get started on your winning idea in one of our Business Workshops.

Make your next book group easier by checking out a book discussion set (multiple copies of one title in various formats).

All of this is amazing… and free…because of the generous support of our patrons, our neighbors, and our community. We are proud to be your Library where, every day, we share the whole truth … and some fiction!
posted: , by Heather Wasklewicz
tags: Adults | Parents & Teachers | Discover Portland
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