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Teen Health Resources

The Portland Public Teen Library is committed to helping our teen patrons find reliable and safe health information and services. This page contains trusted resources for local teens searching for health care and support in the Southern Maine and Greater Portland areas.

Crisis & Support Lines 

General Healthcare 

  • CarePartners | 207-662-7967
    CarePartners builds upon a long tradition of doctors and hospitals in Maine providing care for patients regardless of healthcare coverage or ability to pay. CarePartners helps people get primary care and specialty care with supportive services, such as case management and low cost medicines. 
  • Community Dental Portland | 207-874-1028
    The Portland Center partners with Maine Medical Center and Headstart to provide dental services and a dental home to adults and children identified as needing dental services. They provide care for patients living in local group homes and participate in the Cumberland County Denture Project. The United Way of Greater Portland allocates funds to provide limited reduced fee care to adults and children. They accept MaineCare and have a sliding scale fee.  
  • Greater Portland Health | (207) 874-2141
    Greater Portland Health’s mission is to provide high quality patient centered healthcare that is accessible, affordable, and culturally sensitive. Across nine locations in Portland and South Portland, GPH offers services related to primary care, mental and behavioral health, oral health, substance use, peer support, and more. MaineCare and other insurances are accepted, and sliding-scale fees apply to those without health insurance.
  • Planned Parenthood Portland Health Center | 207-797-8881
    Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care, and the nation’s largest provider of sex education. With or without insurance, you can always go to them for your health care. 
  • Preble Street Teen Center | 207-775-0026
    The Preble Street Teen Center is the hub of services for homeless and runaway youth, providing immediate access youth ages 12-20 experiencing homelessness and poverty in Portland. At the Teen Center, Preble Street and its collaborative partners provide integral service components:

  • The Root Cellar  | 207-774-3197
    The Root Cellar’s programs and services are offered to all Portland residents, although their dental clinics and FANN have specific location requirements.

Abuse & Sexual Assault 

  • MECASA | 207-626-0034
    The Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MECASA) is organized to end sexual violence in Maine and to support high quality sexual violence prevention and response within Maine communities. 
  • SARSSM | 207-828-1035
    Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine (SARSSM) has been providing free and confidential services to victims of sexual assault since 1973. This 40 year history has provided SARSSM with unique insight into the communities and the people whom we serve. Through this lens, they have developed advocacy, support, education and prevention services to meet the needs of the Southern Maine region. SARSSM has two main foci: to provide support and advocacy to victims of sexual violence, and to provide prevention education and awareness around the issue of sexual violence and exploitation. 
  • YAAPP | 207-767-4952
    The Young Adult Abuse Prevention Program (YAAPP) is the prevention team at Through These Doors. YAAPP delivers education, services, and advocacy that enable youth to make choices within their dating relationships that are safe, healthy, and informed. 

Mental & Behavioral Health 

  • Alternative Wellness Services | (207) 494-8471
    Alternative Wellness Services offers therapy and counseling, case management, and opioid support services to teens, children, and adults in Portland.
  • NAMI Maine | 800-464-5767
    The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Maine is our state’s and the nation’s largest grassroots support, education and advocacy organization committed to the issue of mental illness. With seven affiliates and hundreds of members, NAMI Maine is an active voice for families, individuals and professionals whose daily lives are impacted by mental illness. 
  • Opportunity Alliance | 207-874-1175
    For 50 years, The Opportunity Alliance has provided advocacy, leadership, and support to help individuals, families, and communities identify goals and address their needs.
  • Spurwink | 1-888-889-3903
    Spurwink provides behavioral health and education services for children, adults and families affected by behavioral health challenges and developmental disabilities and helps them live healthy, engaged lives in their communities. 

Additional Community Support 

  • Franny Peabody Center | 207-774-6877
    As a single point of entry for people affected by HIV/AIDS, Frannie Peabody Center offers client-centered services that address the unique challenges of each individual. FPC programs mirror the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, which aims to reduce new HIV infections, reduce HIV-related health disparities, and increase access to care to optimize health outcomes. 
  • Maine Access Immigrant Network | 207-552-1800
    MAIN serves as a bridge and cultural broker for multilingual access to health and social services for immigrants, refugees, and asylees in our community. 
  • MaineTransNet | 207-370-0359
    MaineTransNet facilitates peer support groups for trans people and allies, as well as providing avenues for social networking and public dialogue. We direct people to available resources and provide training and education opportunities that utilize our expertise and experiences. 
  • Portland Outright | 207-558-2429
    Outright supports underserved members of the LGBTQ+ youth community through weekly member meetings, ongoing mentorship, social events, and trainings, as well as intentional support to youth navigating systems — such as the juvenile justice system, foster care, homelessness and mental health services. They are a community of people who are invested in each other, building deep connections, sharing both our struggle and joy, while fighting for each other’s dignity and survival. 
  • STRIVE | 207-879-0847
    The STRIVE program of PSL Services is designed to address the many issues faced by tweens, teens, and young adults (ages 11-24) with developmental disabilities. Areas that they focus on include: improving fundamental academic skills, developing leadership potential, improving economic opportunities through continuing education, enhancing or upgrading work skills, integrating literary and social skills into occupational/vocational opportunities, fostering career opportunities through education and training, and promoting peer support for parents and siblings of this young population.
  • Trans Youth Equality Foundation | 207-478-4087
    The Trans Youth Equality Foundation provides education, advocacy and support for transgender and gender non-conforming children and youth and their families. Their mission is to share information about the unique needs of this community, partnering with families, educators and service providers to help foster a healthy, caring, and safe environment for all transgender children.