Unfortunately, requesting items through MaineCat is temporarily suspended due to a statewide interruption in delivery services. Learn More »
Contact the Library:
Switchboard (207) 871-1700
Administration Ext. 757 admin@portlib.org
Children’s Services Ext. 707 childrens@portlib.org
Development/Giving Ext. 759 development@portlib.org
Facilities Rentals Ext. 755 reservations@portlandpubliclibrary.org
Lending Services Ext. 730 lending@portlandpubliclibrary.org
Outreach Services Ext. 729 grant@portlandpubliclibrary.org
Portland Room Ext. 747 portlandroom@portlandpubliclibrary.org
Programming Ext. 755 coyle@portlib.org
Public Computing Ext. 708 pc@portlandpubliclibrary.org
Readers’ Advisory Ext. 775 readersadvisory@portlib.org
Research & Information Services Ext. 725 reference@portlandpubliclibrary.org
Teen Services Ext. 773 teens@portlib.org



Administration Contacts:
Administration Office (located at the Downtown Library): 207-871-1700 x757
Sarah Moore Executive Director smoore@portlib.org x755
Sarah Skawinski Associate Director skawinski@portlib.org x726
Matt Johnson Finance Manager mjohnson@portlib.org x760
Serena Luz Victor Human Resources Director hr@portlib.org x768
Megan “MC” Coyle Assistant to the Executive Director coyle@portlib.org x755
Finance & Human Resources Specialist x757
Advancement & External Relations Contacts:
Yuko Handa Director of Advancement & External Relations handa@portlib.org x759
Rachael Harkness Gallery and Special Programs Coordinator harkness@portlib.org x723
Heather Wasklewicz Marketing Associate wasklewicz@portlib.org x777
Cy Bennett Graphic Designer bennett@portlib.org x758
Department & Leadership Contacts:
Access Services Director Vicky Smith vsmith@portlib.org x709
Youth Services Director Kelley Blue blue@portlib.org x772
Adult Services Director
Arts & Culture Librarian Raminta Moore moore@portlib.org x711
Business & Government Librarian Myles Robert robert@portlib.org x736
Health & Science Librarian Aaron Rosenblum rosenblum@portlib.org x727
Literature & Language Librarian Rebecca Starr starr@portlib.org x728
Outreach & Technology Librarian Casey Grant grant@portlib.org x729
Special Collections Librarian & Archivist Abraham Schechter schechter@portlib.org x747
Teen Librarian Sarah Fiorenza teens@portlib.org x773
Technical Services Manager Julie Wilcox wilcox@portlib.org x748
Interim IT Director Tom Vose vose@portlib.org
Branch Contacts:
Burbank Branch Catherine Curran, Branch Manager curran@portlib.org
Peaks Branch Rose Ann Walsh, Branch Manager walsh@portlib.org
Riverton Branch Meghan Gilliss, Branch Manager gilliss@portlib.org
Bookmobile Steve Weigle, Branch Manager weigle@portlib.org